I have:Consumed a TON of guacamole. With chips, without chips, with spoons, and so on. Kept on composing on the foggy shower entryway mid-shower. Unfortunate propensity. I draw hearts. Compose my name. Stuff that way. Truly.
I haven't:Had anybody here to clean my mop of hair out of the shower channel, which has completely… sucked. Had anybody here to pass judgment on my utilization of nutty spread dunked spoons canvassed in smaller than normal chocolate chips. Not great my companions. Not great. Yet, on a positive note I observed more romantic comedies than your stifler reflex could deal with. Trust me
So what I did here was take my most loved beverage ever – my crisp strawberry margarita on the stones – and essentially include some cream of coconut and coconut water. Still on the stones, only a sliiiiightly thicker (however smoother?) consistency, and still doused with lime. Goodness and a toasted coconut + salt + sugar edge.

- 2 ounces Grand Marnier
- 1 1/2 ounces silver tequila
- 2 ounces lime juice
- 2 ounces coconut water
- 2 ounces cream de coconut
- 2 1/2 ounces strawberry simple syrup
- lime + fresh strawberries for garnish
- salt + sugar + toasted finely shredded coconut for the rim
- Rim the ridge of your glass with a lime wedge and dip in a mix of margarita salt + sugar + toasted coconut [I used about 3 tablespoons salt to 2 teaspoons sugar and 1 1/2 tablespoons toasted coconut].
- Fill the glass with ice. In a cocktail shaker, combine tequila, grand marnier, simple syrup, coconut water, cream de coconut and lime juice with ice, and shake for about 60 seconds.
- Pour over ice and squeeze in lime slices and add a few strawberries. A slight bit of separation may occur from the cream de coconut, so shake well!
- For strawberry simple syrup: combine equal parts sugar and water, bring to a boil and let sugar dissolve, then turn off heat and let cool completely.
- Combine 1 cup simply syrup + 1 1/2 cups slices strawberries in a blender and blend until combined. I don’t mind strawberry seeds, but if you’d like you can strain the mixture over a fine mesh strainer to remove the seeds.
For more detail : bit.ly/2VIDLBk
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